The Dua Every Gen Z Muslim Needs Before Opening Instagram!

Bismillah, let’s get real for a sec. How many times do we open Instagram in a day? Five? Ten? Fifty? Let’s not lie to ourselves ,  it’s a reflex at this point. Waiting for your friend to meet you at Starbucks? Open Instagram. Commercial break during your favorite Netflix binge? Instagram. Got two seconds before salah? Instagram. (Okay, please don’t do this one.)

But let’s take a moment to talk about what happens when we scroll. Instagram is this weird mix of gorgeous vacation pics, people flexing their gains, and Aunt Fatima’s cat videos (because she will DM them to you, even though she’s in the same room). It’s a lot to take in. Sometimes it’s fun, but let’s be honest: sometimes, it’s draining. Comparison, FOMO, and those random influencers telling you to try a $300 skincare routine can really mess with your vibe.

And this is why ,  drumroll, please ,  you need The Instagram Dua. Yup, a dua! A quick little supplication to recenter yourself and set the tone before you dive into the abyss of filters and sponsoredposts.

Why Even Make a Dua Before Instagram?

Okay, hear me out. As Muslims, we know that every action counts. Whether it’s eating, sleeping, or scrolling, everything can become an act of worship if we have the right intention. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us to say bismillah before doing anything, from entering our homes to eating a meal. So, why not say it before jumping into your IG feed? A little dua can help us:

  1. Protect our hearts from jealousy, envy, and unnecessary drama.
  2. Keep our intentions pure ,  whether we’re posting, commenting, or just vibing.
  3. Stay mindful of the time we’re spending and what content we’re consuming.

The Dua: Short, Sweet, and Perfect

Here’s a little dua you can say before opening Instagram (or any social media, really):

“Allahumma inni as’aluka khayra haadha al-majra wa a’oodhu bika min sharrihi.”

Translation: “O Allah, I ask You for the good of this platform and seek refuge in You from its harm.”

Boom. Simple, right? It’s short enough to say while your app is loading (because let’s be real, you probably have five other apps running, so it’ll take a second). And it’s powerful enough to keep your heart in check.

Breaking Down the Dua

  • “O Allah…” Starting anything by calling on Allah sets the tone. It’s like saying, “Hey, Allah, You’re in charge here. Help me out.”
  • “I ask You for the good of this platform…” There’s good on Instagram, for sure. Inspiring Islamic reminders, halal recipes (looking at you, biryani TikTok crossover), fitness tips, and ways to connect with friends and family. We’re asking Allah to guide us toward all that good stuff.
  • “And I seek refuge in You from its harm.” Now, let’s be real: there’s also a lot of junk. Harmful content, unrealistic beauty standards, and that weird guilt you feel when you see someone on their third umrah while you’re just trying to save up for one. This part of the dua reminds us to steer clear of all that negativity.

Practical Instagram Etiquette for Gen Z Muslims

Alright, so you’ve got your dua. But let’s go a step further with some practical tips to keep your Instagram experience as halal, healthy, and happy as possible:

  1. Follow accounts that inspire you. Islamic reminders? Clean humor? Modest fashion? Yes, yes, and yes! Fill your feed with content that makes you feel closer to Allah or uplifts your mood.
  2. Unfollow and mute without guilt. That one account that lowkey makes you feel bad about your life? Bye. You’re not obligated to follow anyone who affects your mental health negatively. Even if it’s Cousin Zayn. (Just don’t forget to like his pics IRL.)
  3. Set time limits. Instagram can be a black hole. Use those screen time settings on your phone to limit your daily scroll time. Remember, the dunya isn’t going anywhere, but your salah time might be.
  4. Post with intention. Before uploading that fire selfie, ask yourself: Why am I posting this? Is it for likes, validation, or to show gratitude for Allah’s blessings? Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
  5. Remember your worth. Filters are cool, but your value comes from who you are, not how many likes you get. Allah created you perfectly ,  no Valencia or Clarendon needed.

Make Instagram a Tool, Not a Trap

Social media isn’t inherently bad. It’s all about how we use it. When we approach it with mindfulness and a solid dua, it becomes a tool for connection, learning, and sharing positivity instead of a trap that drains our energy and iman.

So, next time you’re about to scroll, pause. Say your dua. Make your intention. And then go forth and conquer your feed with a heart full of tawakkul and a mind focused on what truly matters. Oh, and don’t forget to double-tap Aunt Fatima’s cat video. She’s waiting.

Peace and barakah, my Insta-loving fam. May your feed be halal, your DMs drama-free, and your soul always connected to the One who matters most. Ameen.

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