Are you feeling disconnected from your faith? Do you wish you could have a stronger bond with Allah but don’t know where to start? You’re not alone, sis! We all go through ups and downs in our spiritual journey, but the good news is, you have the power to change that TODAY.
If you’re looking for simple yet powerful ways to strengthen your Iman (faith) and feel closer to Allah, then you’re in the right place! Here are three life-changing habits inspired by the lifestyle of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that will transform your connection with Islam. Ready? Let’s dive in!
1. Wake Up for Fajr, Even When It’s Hard!
We get it, waking up early can be a struggle. Your bed feels extra warm, your eyes refuse to open, and your alarm clock becomes your worst enemy. But here’s the truth: Fajr is one of the most powerful ways to start your day with blessings and barakah.
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“The two rak‘ahs (Sunnah) of Fajr are better than this world and all that is in it.” (Sahih Muslim)
Let that sink in for a moment. Better than ALL the money, fame, and luxuries of this world! Imagine how much Allah loves those who prioritize this special prayer.
Quick Tip: Place your alarm far from your bed so you HAVE to get up to turn it off. Also, make sincere dua before sleeping, asking Allah to wake you up for Fajr. Trust me, He will!
2. Make Dhikr Your Daily Superpower
Let’s be real, life gets BUSY. School, social media, family responsibilities, it all piles up. But what if I told you that you could strengthen your faith without even stopping your daily activities? Dhikr (remembrance of Allah) is your secret weapon.
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“Shall I not tell you of the best of your deeds, which is the purest in the sight of your Lord… and better for you than meeting your enemy and striking their necks?” They said, ‘Yes, O Messenger of Allah.’ He said, ‘It is the remembrance of Allah.’” (Tirmidhi)
How to Add Dhikr to Your Routine:
- Say SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, and Allahu Akbar when walking, waiting, or doing chores.
- Repeat Astaghfirullah often, it erases sins and fills your heart with peace.
- Set a goal: 100 times a day = a VIP reward from Allah!
3. Practice Small Acts of Kindness, The Sunnah Way!
Want to feel closer to Allah AND spread love around you? Start doing small acts of kindness daily! The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the BEST example of kindness, and we can follow in his footsteps easily.
He (PBUH) said:
“The most beloved people to Allah are those who are most beneficial to others.” (Al-Mu’jam al-Awsat)
Easy Sunnah Acts of Kindness:
- Smile, it’s Sadaqah (charity) and contagious!
- Help your parents without being asked (trust me, their duas are priceless!).
- Compliment someone sincerely, it can change their whole day.
Bonus Challenge: Pick ONE act of kindness to do daily for a week and see how your heart fills with joy and closeness to Allah!
It’s Your Turn!
Now that you know these 3 powerful habits, which one will you start TODAY? Drop a comment below and let’s inspire each other! May Allah make us among those whose faith shines bright! Ameen.